Jeanne Keating and Josh Altman strategizing Chicago Real Estate!!!
June 1, 2019
Top 3 Market Predictions For Chicago Real Estate In 2020
August 29, 2019Pink House Project
One of the most famous homes in Chicago’s storied West Side is the historic Pink House. Located on 556 N. Central Ave. in the neighborhood of Austin, this house has made passersby think pink since the 1980s. Not only is the exterior trimmed in white and pink, the interior is also proudly pink. The home as a whole has long been one of the most recognizable properties in this quiet and prosperous neighborhood.
Big Trouble in Pink Paradise
However, things aren’t exactly in the pink at the moment for the Anderson family. The proud owners of the Pink House have spent many thousands of hours, as well as dollars, in redecorating the house and keeping it up to date. But the cost of doing so has steadily risen until the family has finally found itself unable to keep up the heavy financial load.
As a result, the Pink House, which was redecorated in this fashion to reflect the family’s cherished Southern roots, has seen it’s market value drop from a high of $290,000 down to its current listing of $160,000. The house has languished on the real estate market, listed at this latter figure, for the past nine months.
A Famous Chicago Realtor Has Stepped in to Help
However, things may just be looking up for the Pink House and its owners. Renowned Chicago realtor and historical property expert Jeanne Keating, has offered her services in a bid to get the property back up to code. Her goal is to help the Anderson family raise enough money to not only refurbish the house but also remain in it.
To this end, Ms. Keating has organized a Go Fund Me for the Anderson family. This is a public endeavor that will help not only the neighborhood, but also the city of Chicago, to stay vibrant, healthy, and beautiful.
All proceeds from this initiative will go directly to the family who will then use it to give the Pink House the care that it needs to get back on its fuzzy pink feet. The web address for this Go Fund Me account will be given below.
The Goal is to Give Until it Feels Good
It has many times been remarked that you should give to charity until it hurts. Ms. Keating and her many satisfied clients in the city of Chicago share the opposite philosophy. We believe that you should give until and because it feels good. And giving to the Anderson family to keep the Pink House in tip-top shape is a cause we all can feel good about.
How Can I Help Save the Pink House?
If you have been touched by this article and would like to contribute toward this effort, you’re in luck. You can help save the Pink House by clicking here. This is an opportunity to help a very special family help a very special house. All donations of any size whatsoever will be gratefully accepted.